Best Decorations for Betta Fish

The best decorations for betta fish tanks are not just for aesthetics; they play a vital role in creating a habitat that resembles a betta’s natural environment. Decorations provide hiding spots and simulate the complex ecosystems where bettas naturally thrive, reducing stress and encouraging natural behaviors.

Top Betta Fish Tank Decorations for 2023

Artificial Plants

Artificial plants like Otterly Pets Aquarium Plants offer a vibrant, maintenance-free option for your tank. Made from soft plastic without metal wiring, these plants are safe for bettas, preventing fin damage and adding color to your aquarium​​.

Stone Hideaways

The Penn Plax Stone Hideaway Decoration offers a realistic and safe hideout. Its textured surface allows beneficial bacteria to colonize, aiding in tank health, while the smooth edges ensure betta safety​​.

Betta Hammocks

Betta hammocks, such as the Zoo Med Betta Bed Leaf Hammock, replicate the natural resting spots found near the water surface in a betta’s habitat. These hammocks provide a secure place for bettas to rest, enhancing their comfort and reducing stress​​.

Floating Betta Log

Zoo Med’s Floating Betta Log offers a natural hideout at the surface, where bettas love to spend time. Made from real wood and free from chemicals, this log is a safe and intriguing addition to any betta tank​.

Themed Decorations

For a whimsical touch, themed decorations like the Penn Plax Spongebob Squidward Easter Island Ornament add a fun element to the tank while providing a hideaway for your betta​.


Pieces of driftwood, such as the Fluval Mopani Driftwood, add a natural aesthetic to the tank. They serve as focal points and hiding spaces, enhancing the tank’s environment​.

Ping Pong Balls

Simple yet engaging, ping pong balls like Champion Sports Ping Pong Balls can keep your betta entertained, encouraging play and activity at the water’s surface​.

Ceramic Decorations

Ceramic decorations, such as Norgail Ceramic Jar Decoration, offer a safe and stylish option for bettas to explore and hide. They add an ancient and mysterious flair to the tank​.

Betta Exercise Mirrors

Betta Exercise Mirrors provide a unique form of stimulation for bettas, encouraging them to display and exercise. However, their use should be limited to prevent stress​.

Aquarium Air Stone Kits

Aquarium air stone kits, like the Hygger Aquarium Air Stone Kit, not only decorate the tank but also help oxygenate the water, creating a dynamic and healthy environment for your betta​.

Tips for Choosing and Arranging Decorations

When selecting decorations, ensure they are made from safe materials and have no sharp edges. Arrange your tank with a mix of hiding spots, open swimming areas, and interactive elements to provide a balanced and stimulating environment for your betta.

Final Thoughts

The right decorations can transform your betta’s tank into a stimulating and comforting home. By choosing items that cater to their natural behaviors and preferences, you create an environment where your betta can thrive. In 2023, the options are more diverse and engaging than ever, offering endless possibilities to enhance the life of your aquatic companion.