Rummy Nose Tetra Care, Size, Tank Mates, and More

Rummy Nose Tetras: A Shoaling Symphony of Color in Your Aquarium

Imagine a school of fish with bodies shimmering like polished silver, each adorned with a vibrant red nose that seems to glow. Now, picture them gliding effortlessly through your aquarium, their synchronized movements resembling a graceful underwater ballet. This is the magic of Rummy Nose Tetras, and if you’re looking for peaceful, eye-catching additions to your community tank, look no further!

But before you bring these dazzling fish home, there’s a little more to know about their care. Whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or a curious novice, this guide should equip you to create a thriving environment for your new Rummy Nose friends.

Dazzling Jewels of the Blackwater

Rummy Nose Tetras (Hemigrammus rhodostomus), also known as Flame Tetras, hail from the blackwater streams and rivers of the Amazon basin. Their natural habitat boasts soft, acidic water stained with tannins from decaying leaves and wood. These conditions contribute to their stunning coloration and delicate nature.

In the aquarium trade, you’ll find three recognized species: 

  •  Hemigrammus rhodostomus: The classic Rummy Nose Tetra, known for its bright red nose and silvery body.
  • Hemigrammus erythrominus: The Fire Tetra, sporting a deeper red nose and slightly larger size.
  • Hemigrammus bleheri: The Headlight Tetra boasts a prominent red band and a more rounded body across its head.

Welcoming Them Home

While these tetras are relatively peaceful, remember they thrive in groups! Aim for a minimum of 6 individuals, but ideally, a shoal of 10 or more will truly showcase their mesmerizing synchronized swimming. A 20-gallon tank is a good starter size, but a 30-gallon or larger provides ample space for their active shoaling behavior.


Mimicking the Blackwater Rummy Nose Tetras Love

 A comfortable environment is needed to keep your Rummy Noses happy and healthy. Here’s how:

  • Water: Aim for soft, slightly acidic water (pH between 6.0 and 7.5) and a hardness level below 10 dGH. Consider using peat moss or commercially available blackwater additives to achieve these parameters.
  • Temperature: Maintain a steady temperature between 75°F and 80°F (24°C – 27°C).
  • Lighting: Opt for subdued lighting to mimic their natural low-light environment. Live plants can help diffuse light and provide hiding spots.
  • Substrate: Dark-colored sand or fine gravel is ideal, replicating their natural riverbed habitat.
  • Décor: Driftwood, smooth rocks, and plenty of live plants like Amazon swords or ferns create a natural feel and offer hiding spots.
  • Filtration: A gentle filter with good biological filtration is crucial for maintaining pristine water quality, sensitive to changes.

Sharing the Tank

Rummy Nose Tetras are peaceful community fish, but choose their tank mates wisely. Here are some good companions:

  • Other peaceful tetras: Cardinal Tetras, Neon Tetras, and Black Neon Tetras share similar water requirements and enjoy shoaling.
  • Corydoras catfish: These bottom-dwellers are peaceful scavengers and won’t bother your tetras.
  • Dwarf Rasboras: These tiny, colorful fish add another layer of visual interest and pose no threat.

Avoid aggressive fish like cichlids, bettas, or barbs, as they might nip at your delicate tetras. 

The Power of the Shoal 

Remember, Rummy Nose Tetras are shoaling fish. Keeping them in small groups can lead to stress, fin nipping, and even death. A larger shoal provides security, encourages natural behavior, and creates a stunning visual spectacle.

Feeding Your Tetras

These eager eaters are like enthusiastic children at mealtime, eagerly chasing down any community fish food you offer. While you might be tempted to spoil them with a smorgasbord, remember their tiny mouths! Stick to miniature portions like baby brine shrimp, nano pellets, and freeze-dried daphnia. Want to see their vibrant blush truly shine? Opt for foods rich in natural color enhancers, like krill in Xtreme Krill Flakes.

But don’t stop there! Variety is key to a balanced diet, so keep their taste buds excited by offering a range of options. This prevents nutrient deficiencies and ensures your Rummy Nose Tetras stay sparkling with health and color. Remember, happy tummies mean happy fish, and these little charmers will definitely reward you with their dazzling displays

Maintaining Their Sparkly Health

Rummy Nose Tetras can live for 5-8 years with proper care. Regular water changes (25% weekly), good water quality, and a varied diet are key to preventing common health issues like fin rot or white spot disease.

Breeding for the Advanced

Breeding Rummy Nose Tetras is challenging and best left to experienced aquarists. It requires separate breeding tanks, specific water parameters, and careful attention to egg care and fry development.

Ready to Bring Home the Magic?

Rummy Nose Tetras are captivating fish that add a touch of elegance and movement to any aquarium. With their relatively peaceful nature and stunning appearance, they are excellent pets!