Can Goldfish Live with Betta Fish

Many aquarium enthusiasts ponder whether they can house goldfish and betta fish together. This article explores the crucial factors that determine the compatibility of these popular fish species.

Should Goldfish Be Kept with Betta Fish?

No, betta fish should not be kept with goldfish. Their requirements for water temperature, diet, and space are different, and their behaviors are incompatible, which can lead to stress and health issues for both types of fish.

Water Temperature Requirements:

Betta fish need warmer water (75-80°F) compared to the cooler preference of goldfish (68-74°F). This temperature difference is vital for their health, making cohabitation challenging.

Size and Safety Concerns:

Goldfish can grow significantly larger than betta fish, which may lead to the smaller bettas being harassed or harmed. The size difference alone is a significant risk factor in a shared tank.

Dietary Needs:

Bettas are carnivores and require a protein-rich diet, whereas goldfish are omnivores needing both plant and animal-based foods. These differing dietary needs complicate feeding in a shared tank and can lead to health issues.

Can a Betta Fish Eat Goldfish Food:

No. Goldfish and Betta fish have different dietary needs and they should not be fed the same food, or kept in the same tank.

Behavioral Differences:

Bettas are territorial and can be aggressive, especially towards fish resembling them. Goldfish are generally peaceful but can become stressed by betta aggression. This temperament mismatch can create a hostile environment.

Tank Space and Habitat:

Goldfish need more space and produce more waste, requiring larger tanks. Bettas prefer smaller tanks with specific conditions like hiding spots. These habitat differences make a suitable shared environment difficult to achieve.

Expert Advice:

Most aquarium experts and experienced fishkeepers recommend against keeping bettas and goldfish together. Their varying requirements and behaviors can lead to stress and health problems for both species.

Alternative Solutions:

The best approach for enthusiasts wanting both species is to keep them in separate tanks. This ensures each fish has an environment tailored to its needs, promoting health and well-being.


While both betta fish and goldfish are attractive aquarium pets, they are not suitable tank mates due to their different needs in water temperature, diet, behavior, and space. For the health and happiness of these fish, separate tanks are advised.