Bumblebee Goby Care, Tank Mates, Diet, Breeding, & More

Discover the world of Bumblebee Gobies, small, brightly striped fish that bring a unique charm to brackish aquariums. This guide offers practical tips for their care, making it easier for both new and experienced fishkeepers to provide the best environment for these delightful creatures.

Bumblebee Goby Facts & Overview:

  • Care Level: Moderate – Ideal for enthusiasts ready to step up from freshwater tanks.
  • Color & Size: Vibrant yellow and black stripes; grow up to 1.5 inches.
  • Tank Setup: Brackish water; a mix of salt and freshwater.
  • Ideal Tank Mates: Best with other Bumblebee Gobies or small, peaceful brackish water fish.

Common Behavior:

  • Nature: Shy and peaceful; can be territorial during breeding.
  • Group Dynamics: Prefer living in groups but need space for individual territories.

Bumblebee Goby Appearance:

  • Distinctive Features: Bumblebee-like stripes; males are more colorful, especially during breeding seasons.

Tank and Habitat Conditions:

  • Substrate: Soft, sandy bottom to mimic their natural habitat.
  • Water Parameters: Temperature 72-84°F, pH 7.0-8.5, specific gravity 1.005-1.008.
  • Decorations: Rocks, driftwood, and plants like Java Fern or Anubias Nana that tolerate brackish water​​​​.

Aquarium Size Requirements:

  • Minimum Size: 10 gallons for a small group.
  • Space Per Fish: At least 3-5 gallons per Goby to prevent stress and territorial disputes.

Choosing Tank Mates:

  • Compatible Species: Small, peaceful fish like Guppies and Mollies that can adapt to brackish conditions.
  • Avoid: Large or aggressive fish that might stress or prey on the Gobies​​.

Social Dynamics of Bumblebee Gobies:

  • Ideal Ratio: A balanced male-to-female ratio to minimize aggression.
  • Group Benefits: Social interaction is beneficial; single Gobies may become stressed.

Dietary Needs:

  • Preferred Diet: Live or frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms.
  • Feeding Tips: Small, frequent meals; avoid overfeeding to maintain water quality​​​​.

General Care Guidelines:

  • Regular Maintenance: Weekly water testing and changes are crucial.
  • Monitoring: Watch for signs of stress or illness, like changes in color or appetite.

Breeding Bumblebee Gobies:

  • Setting Up: Separate breeding tank with similar conditions.
  • Care for Fry: Initially feed with infusoria or finely crushed flake food, transitioning to baby brine shrimp as they grow​​.

Suitability for Your Aquarium:

  • Considerations: Ideal for aquarists interested in brackish environments and willing to maintain specific water conditions.
  • Reward: Their unique behavior and striking appearance make the effort worthwhile.


  • Freshwater Tolerance: Can adapt to freshwater but thrive in brackish conditions.
  • Compatibility with Other Species: Limited due to their specific habitat needs.

Conclusion: Embrace the challenge of keeping Bumblebee Gobies and enjoy the rewards of their vibrant presence in your aquarium. Share your experiences or questions below to connect with fellow enthusiasts.